Thursday, July 25, 2024

Computer glitch and airline disruption

It’s been a bad few days for Delta Airlines and its passengers, and it’s turning into a bad week. The computer glitch that rolled through many of the world’s systems last Friday has hit Delta particularly hard, and the airline is struggling to recover. Many of our clients were impacted by the problem, and we’ve been busy this week helping them reschedule their flights. Unfortunately, in some cases missed flights meant they missed special events, and we’ve been working closely with these folks to help them recover their costs with insurance claims.

            So, what happened?

            A U.S.-based cybersecurity company, CrowdStrike, seems to be the unwitting culprit. Used by over half of Fortune 500 companies, CrowdStrike said one of its recent content updates had a defect that impacted Microsoft’s Windows Operating System. It was not a cyberattack, the company said, merely a technical error. (We wouldn’t want to be that luckless programmer.) CrowdStrike quickly identified the problem and uploaded a fix, but by then the damage was done, worldwide. When the glitch took hold Friday morning, thousands of airline flights were canceled. American, United and Delta were the biggest U.S. airlines affected, with the glitch causing massive communication problems within their systems. As of Saturday afternoon, just over 24 hours into the event, over 1600 cancellations and nearly 5000 delays had been posted by the airlines.

            The aviation industry relies on overlapping technology to keep the massive system running efficiently and safely, from flight control software to tracking software in control towers. Airline reservation and scheduling systems are in the loop, too, so as the CrowdStrike error cascaded throughout Windows, it wreaked havoc with the airlines’ most vital systems. No issues were reported with any aircraft, but the outage caused the FAA to grant airlines’ requests for “ground stops,” meaning that flights had to be delayed while the problem was addressed.

            Delta is the airline most of our clients use, and it was one of the hardest hit. Its crew scheduling software was particularly affected by the glitch, the airline said. Delta and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Endeavor Air, together canceled nearly 4500 flights between Friday and Sunday, with hundreds more delays and cancellations being posted on Monday. Delta’s CEO, Ed Bastian, issued a statement saying that the glitch required his IT teams to manually repair and reboot each of the affected systems, and additional time was then needed to allow the applications to synchronize and start talking to each other. Although Delta’s crews were all available to staff the planes and fly, its critical staffing software, which ensures that each flight will have a full crew, is “deeply complex,” Bastian said, requiring the most time and effort to repair.

            Delta can’t just tell its customers that it’s sorry. The Department of Transportation says the airline is required to honor its customer agreements, which include rebooking passengers whose flights were canceled or significantly delayed on other services at no additional cost, as well as providing hotels, meals and ground transportation vouchers for those eligible. The DOT is investigating hundreds of complaints filed by frustrated Delta passengers who say they didn’t get any of those services. In response, Delta said it would reimburse customers for hotel, meal and ground transportation expenses paid out of pocket as a result of the disruptions, but not for “prepaid” costs like hotel reservations at the customer’s destination, vacation experiences, lost wages, or event tickets.

            Will they get it straightened out? Eventually, yes. Other airlines have gone through massive problems before, although not quite at this scale. Some experts in cyber security are saying that Delta and other airlines will have to look strongly at upgrading their computer systems. The airlines tend to use older technology than other industries, because regulations can make it difficult to get new systems approved and their widespread operations make upgrades cumbersome and expensive.

            Delta has worked hard in recent years to build up its “brand image,” and that has certainly taken a hit this week. Other airlines, like United and American, have been recovering more quickly, and some observers are saying that this week is the most critical in Delta’s history. If it doesn’t start getting its planes and their passengers in the air as scheduled, the airline’s reputation—and future business—could take a significant hit.

            We’re confident Delta will get this straightened out and be ready to take you where you want to go. Give us a call, and we’ll work together to make sure you get out there! 

Sue Tindell

Friday, June 21, 2024

Experiences of living on a cruise ship

Those of us who’ve been on an ocean cruise generally have sailed for a week before heading for home. Occasionally it’ll be two weeks, and every now and then we have clients who book a round-the-world cruise, which will put them on board for three or more months at a time. But what about actually living on a cruise ship? Can it be done? And, what’s it like?

            Well, Kevin Martin, 48, a Navy veteran and attorney from Missouri, wanted to find out.

            Martin decided to “leave it all behind” in 2019, after sailing on several different cruise lines for trips of more moderate, and traditional, lengths of time. He’s been documenting his life on his YouTube channel, 30 and a Wake Up. He posts regular videos with some intriguing titles, such as “You Can Always Go Back to Your Crappy Life” and “How I Lost 32 Pounds on a Cruise Ship!”

He also occasionally posts monthly summaries of his expenses. Recently he published a video about a 30-day period in which he took three consecutive 10-day cruises on a Princess liner. It was the same cruise each time, through the Caribbean and Panama Canal before returning to Miami. Of course, there’s the cost of the cruise, which he listed as $700 for an inside cabin. He got onboard credit due to his veteran’s status and also because of his purchases of future cruises. On his monthly budget, Martin listed “housing” expenses (the cruises) as $2400. He didn’t spend a dime dining out; all his meals on board were covered, of course, since he never went to the specialty restaurants. He paid $22 for transportation while ashore, $105 for his cell phone service, $15 on health care costs for over-the-counter medications, $30 on snacks and other grocery items that he would store in his cabin, and nothing at all on entertainment or shopping. Total expenses for the month: $2572.

So, Martin doesn’t actually live on a single ship year-round. He mixes and matches his cruises and lines and spends a month or so ashore in exotic places like Thailand and Iceland. Still, the majority of his days and nights are spent on board a cruise ship. Those of us who’ve sailed might take a look at one of the deluxe staterooms and think, “You know, living in one of these wouldn’t be half bad.” Martin, though, favors the cheaper inside cabins, since he rarely spends much time there during the day.

In another recent video, Martin answered questions posed by his viewers:

·         Would you do it again? Martin loves traveling but hates flying, so he would continue to use cruise liners to get from place to place, but he might return home once in a while.

·         What would you do differently? Martin says that “about a month on a ship is the sweet spot.” Going from port to port nearly every day, which is often the top attraction for “traditional” cruisers, can be exhausting, he says, if you’re on board for more than a couple weeks.

·         What was the funniest thing you saw on a cruise ship? In the buffet line one time, he saw a man taking handfuls of shrimp from the buffet and stuffing them in the pockets of his cargo shorts.

·         Did you ever get seasick? After 20 years in the Navy, Martin said he was used to sailing and never had a problem on his cruises. For those who might have an occasional bout, he recommends getting a cabin that’s not very high above the waterline, where the rocking of the ship isn’t as noticeable.

·         Can you travel around the world without flying? Absolutely. The easiest way to do it is on a round-the-world cruise, but these can be expensive. Martin also said the only time he ever had to have a visa was when his cruise ship arrived in Vietnam. He never once had to show his passport while on board and never took it ashore.

·         Did you have any problems with fellow passengers? Occasionally, he said, his neighbors might get a little noisy after a night of partying, but otherwise he got along with everybody.

·         Are there any cruise lines you disliked to the point where you’d never sail with them again? No, every one of the four major lines he sailed was a little different, but all of them were fine and he would gladly sail them again.

·         Did you ever feel unsafe anywhere ashore as a solo traveler? No, just about every port he visited was relatively safe, although there were a handful of places, like Haiti, where cruise passengers were restricted to certain areas, generally a private beach.

·         Was there a point where cruising became redundant and you looked forward to the end of the year? Visiting the “manufactured cruise towns” that some lines have on different islands can be repetitive, he said. Generally, though, Martin enjoyed the shipboard lifestyle—his Navy experience undoubtedly helped him here—and since he started his journeys five years ago, he’s not thought about doing anything else.

Maybe you don’t want to actually live on a cruise ship, but we have a lot of clients who like to sail on them for a week or so. Whether you’re a veteran cruiser or considering your first-ever cruise journey, give us a call! We’ll get you on board, and maybe you’ll run into Kevin! 

Sue Tindell



Thursday, May 30, 2024

World War II European Tours
Memorial Day was this week and in a few days we’ll note the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the Allied invasion of occupied France that within a year would lead to the surrender of Germany and the end of World War II in Europe.

            Because of that special date, 2024 will be one of the biggest for WWII-related tourism in Europe, which has been on the rise in the last decade or so. As more and more veterans of the war pass away, modern Americans want to connect with the Greatest Generation by visiting the beaches and fields and towns where they fought against tyranny.

            In the fall of 2022, my husband and I visited France, and the most memorable day of the trip was our visit to Normandy, the northern region where American, British, Canadian and French troops came ashore on June 6, 1944. Fighting their way inland against heavy German resistance, the Allies sustained horrendous casualties, but within a few weeks they’d pushed the enemy out of Paris and then from France altogether.

            It was a beautiful fall day as we journeyed by bus through Normandy’s small towns and hedgerow-lined fields. The bus was filled with our traveling companions from our Avalon river cruiser; after this outing, we would meet the boat in the coastal city of Le Havre and then go back upriver on the Seine to Paris. The mood was upbeat and relaxed, as we’d had a fine cruise so far and anticipated yet another day of good weather and interesting sights.

            We got a lot more than we bargained for.

            From the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc, which U.S. Army Rangers climbed under fire in a desperate mission to take out enemy gun emplacements, to the vast reaches of Omaha Beach itself, we saw where the men—most of them barely out of high school—risked everything for their families back home and for future generations, for us. Many of us shed tears when we visited the Normandy American Cemetery, where long rows of white crosses represented nearly 10,000 Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice in the campaign.

            The whole experience was emotional, humbling, but also uplifting. We saw many French schoolchildren on tour, learning first-hand about the men who came here to restore liberty to their great-grandparents. My husband said, “Every American schoolkid should come here.” And while that might not be practical, groups of Americans are making good use of WWII-themed tours that will take them to Normandy and the sites of other battles, along with staging areas in England.

            Fans of the TV series Band of Brothers can follow in the footsteps of Easy Company with Band of Brothers Tours, offering 9- and 11-day all-inclusive tours that take you from Normandy all the way through the Battle of the Bulge sites of Belgium, into southern Germany to the Dachau concentration camp and to Hitler’s “Eagles Nest” hideaway in Austria. Other companies like Overlord Tours offer shorter trips to various sites where visitors can really dig into the history of the campaign.

            Perhaps one of your own ancestors fought in Europe. If you’re ready to retrace his footsteps, give us a call. It’s sure to be one of the most memorable trips you’ll ever take.



Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Cruise Ships through the years

It was 30 years ago that my husband and I took our first cruise, on a Carnival ship out of Miami. We visited Key West and Cozumel during our 5-day sailing. I don’t remember the name of the ship, although Dave tells me we had a cabin with a window, not a balcony. It didn’t matter. We were cruising, enjoying the whole experience—the dinners, the onboard pool, the shows, and yes, even the breakfast buffet. Those were the early days of global cruising—remember Kathie Lee Gifford singing in Carnival’s TV ads?—and it looked like the next big thing in vacationing.

            It sure was. Back in 1994, only about 5 million passengers boarded cruise liners. This year, projected numbers reach 35 million. Companies like Carnival have absorbed smaller lines and created new, innovative ships that are designed to give passengers not only exotic itineraries, but incredible onboard experiences. Royal Caribbean and Carnival are neck-and-neck in the number of passengers carried per year, at about 2.6 million each. Now, the race for passengers is not about the places the ships will visit, but the ships themselves. Princess Cruises, a Carnival subsidiary, has introduced something designed to give passengers a magical experience on board—literally.

            Travel Weekly’s Andrea Zalinski recently wrote about her sailing on the Sun Princess, one of the signature vessels of Princess Cruises. She was one of the first to take part in Spellbound, the newest specialty venue offered by the line. Created in conjunction with Magic Castle, a private club in Hollywood for magicians and magic enthusiasts, Spellbound “envelops guests in an early- to mid-20th-century place, time and mindset with the help of a specialty dinner, creative drinks and magic.” Guests who get reservations—which go fast, since only thirty are allowed in at a time—are asked to wear cocktail attire. They begin the evening in a secluded area of the Horizons dining room, with a menu not featured anywhere else on board. Following dinner, guests are led to a black door. Behind the door is Spellbound.

            When they’re allowed in, guests begin an immersive experience that includes several rooms, specialty drinks like the Artemis, served in a golden owl, and Escape from Houdini’s Chest, a cinnamon-and-strawberry-infused vodka drink with St-Germain and lime that has to be retrieved from a smoking box. The rooms feature décor based on the Magic Castle itself. At the bar, a magician performs card tricks. In the library, visitors can actually be “shushed” by the books if they’re talking too loudly. Each room features different treasures that can be explored by guests, including a rotary telephone that might just have someone else on the line if you pick up.

            The evening concludes in the theater with a magic show heavy with audience participation. For Zalinski’s cruise, the magician asked a guest to call a friend who was elsewhere on the ship. Once the friend was on the line, the magician instructed the guest to tell the friend to think of a specific card in the deck and keep it to herself. Moments later, the magician announced the friend was thinking of the queen of hearts, which the astonished friend confirmed over the phone.

            Magic Castle supplies all the magicians who work at Spellbound, and the cast will rotate every few cruises. Many of them have been learning their trade at Magic Castle since childhood, and it shows in their performances. That’s just one way Princess has been going all-out to make Spellbound one of the signature guest experiences on any cruise line.

            Currently the experience is by reservation only at $149 per person, with children aged 13 and up permitted. There are three shows per evening except on embarkation day. The line eventually plans to open a Sunday brunch experience that will allow younger visitors.

            Early indications are that Spellbound is a big hit for Princess, yet another entry into the rapidly growing world of onboard passenger experiences that run the gamut from go-karts and laser tag to old-school arcades and virtually anything in between. Ready to get out there and experience it yourself? Give us a call and start packing!


Thursday, May 9, 2024

 The return of the motel

            Road trips have been a staple of American family life since the late 1940s, when returning veterans began the tradition of piling the wife and kids into the family Buick and heading out to explore Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles, and up and down the Eastern seaboard. When the interstate system started construction in the ‘50s, motels became even more ubiquitous, popping up at interchanges on the outskirts of cities and towns.

            The first motel was built by architect and developer Arthur Heineman, who abbreviated the words “motor hotel” to “mo-tel,” in San Luis Obispo, Cal., in 1925. After the war, Heineman’s innovation took off, with I-, L- or U-shaped structures that typically stuck to one or two stories, making it easier for guests to unload their suitcases. Unlike hotels, where rooms are entered through interior doors, motel rooms always offer exterior doors.

            Most motels in those days were individually owned, with proprietors looking for new and inventive ways to attract guests. This gave rise to brightly-colored neon signs, exotic names, and occasionally plastic palm trees and kidney-shaped swimming pools. A single road trip might include a night in a Polynesian village, then a stop at an Italian villa—or at least that’s what they appeared to be, sort of. A little cheesy, sure, but to our parents and grandparents it was a welcome getaway from daily workaday life and an adventure for the kids.

            The emergence of chains like Holiday Inn, Travelodge and Best Western in the ‘50s started the slow decline of the mom-and-pop motel. The rapid increase in air travel meant city hotels began grabbing much of the U.S. traveler’s lodging dollar. Motels started being known as places that were run-down and crime-ridden, thanks in part to TV shows, which always seemed to show fugitives holing up in dingy motels. Even those who remained clean and relatively comfortable all seemed to be cut from the same mold.

            That trend is changing, though. In the last decade or so, local investors have begun buying older motel properties and reimagining them as boutique properties. A recent article in Smithsonian magazine gave three examples of these new-era motels:

·         Pacific Motel, Cayucos, Cal. In a little surf village that calls itself the “last of California’s beach towns,” Ryan and Marisa Fortini bought a rundown motel called the Dolphin Inn in 2020 and spent the next two years transforming it into a boutique property that offers amenities like parachute linens, botanical skin-care products in the lobby and handbags made by Mexican artisans.

·         Campfire Hotel, Bend, Ore. The revamped 100-room motel opened in 2020 with an eye toward being very different than motels of yore. Its “camp vibes meets urban lifestyle” aesthetic features rooms done up in browns and oranges like a ‘70s campground, all surrounding a heated saltwater pool. Orange lights are strewn among the property’s tall trees for unique nighttime illumination.

·         Blue Fox Motel, Narrowburg, N.Y. Nestled in the beautiful Catskills, this rustic ‘50s lodge was renovated by Meg Sullivan and Jorge Neves with an eye toward preserving the region’s history. The motel’s restaurant has become a destination itself, and the property’s pickleball court is open to the public with access via many hiking trails through the neighboring woodland.

Many of these boutique motel properties are incorporating restaurants and bars that make the place a destination for local residents, too. With fresh ideas like these, the motel is slowly re-emerging as the unique American experience it once was.

            Ready to get out there and find one or two of these gems? We’ll help you with your road trip planning. Give us a call!

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Added measures in Italy with increasing tourist flows

 Italy is one of my favorite countries to visit, from the ancient wonders of Rome to the charming countryside of Tuscany to the exotic Amalfi Coast, around the boot into the Adriatic and up to Venice. I’m certainly not alone; 65 million foreign visitors arrived in Italy in 2019, and the country is recovering quickly from the pandemic, with 2022 visits back up to 50 million. Those guests spend millions of dollars that are vitally important to the national and local economies, but they also pose challenges, stressing the local environment and municipal services, especially during peak periods.

            Italian tourist hot spots are now taking steps to reduce that stress. Last week, Venice became the first city in the world to introduce a payment system for visitors who are not staying overnight in the city. Day trippers will now have to pay a 5-euro tax (about $5.35) for visiting between 8:30am and 4pm. Residents of the city are exempt, along with students, workers and homeowners. Visitors aged under 14 and tourists with hotel reservations will need to register but won’t be charged the tax. Starting in June, Venice will also limit tour groups to a maximum of 25 people and prohibit the use of loudspeakers by tour guides.

            Venice is a beautiful city and virtually unique in its geography; it’s composed of 126 islands, situation in a lagoon on the northeast coast of the Italian mainland. The main island is crisscrossed by canals, and nearly 500 bridges help connect the various areas of dry land. The international airport, Marco Polo, is on the mainland, with arriving guests using tenders to get from there to the city. Until recently, cruise ships docked at Venice itself, but then UNESCO threatened to put the city on its endangered list unless ships were prohibited. Environmentalists said the liners were causing pollution and eroding the foundations of the city, which suffers from regular flooding.

            Cruise lines were initially supportive of the decision, and started using adjacent ports on their itineraries, using tenders to get their guests to Venice. But recently, NCL has cut Venice from its 2024 and ’25 itineraries entirely. This year, NCL will replace Venice with stops down the coast at Ravenna or at ports in Slovenia and Croatia. Next year, it’ll be another port or a day at sea.

            By the way, some hotels in Venice recently decided to deal with another environmental threat: seagulls. The birds have been a problem for years due to their aggressiveness in snatching food from the hands of tourists or even off tables on the street or balconies. One hotel decided it had had enough when a seagull grabbed an entire steak as a waiter was placing it on a diner’s table. Guests have been issued bright orange water pistols to fight off the birds, but often they don’t have to actually pull the trigger; bird experts say the color itself is a deterrent to the gulls. The birds’ status as a protected species keeps authorities from using more permanent methods to deal with them.

Across the country in Florence, short-term residential rentals on platforms like Airbnb have been banned in the city’s historic center. The Uffizi Gallery, the city’s most famous museum, offers discounts to people arriving before 9am. (Michelangelo’s David, perhaps the world’s most famous sculpture, is in another location, the Galleria dell’Accademia.) Farther west, on the coast, the Cinque Terre region on the Italian Riviera is charging a 15-euro tax to walk most celebrated coastal path that connects the five scenic villages of the region. Also, the path can only be walked in one direction. Another scenic area, the island of Capri off the coast of Naples, has doubled the entry fee charged to ferry passengers, and severely limited the use of automobiles by non-residents.

            Even with these extra charges and restrictions, there’s no doubt that Italy will remain one of the top destinations for Americans, including many of our clients. Ready to go? Give us a call and we’ll get you there! Arrivederci! 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Traveling with limited mobility

Many folks with mobility issues from age, surgery or other reasons are reluctant to fly, fearing that they’ll never be able to negotiate a busy airport, much less the aircraft itself. But airports and airlines have long offered services to help these travelers, which last week included my husband. So, how well do these services work?

            Dave underwent surgery on his right foot on April 11, and three days later flew to Arizona to visit his family and see his mother during her final illness. The trip couldn’t be put off, so on the day of his outbound flight, I drove him to the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport. He was flying Sun Country, so we used Terminal 2. After letting him out, I parked the car and then returned to help him with his rolling suitcase as we went inside to the check-in station. Dave gets by on crutches well—previous knee surgeries gave him plenty of experience—but we still arranged for him to get a wheelchair once his checked bag was on its way.

            It went very well. An aide was standing by with a simple wheelchair, like the ones in the photo, and whisked him directly to security. The TSA agents were very helpful (having TSA Pre-check certainly helped speed things along) and the “pusher,” as a wheelchair aide is called, went through the checkpoint with Dave and took him directly to his gate.

            Once on the plane, the flight attendants were very helpful as well, storing his crutches and stowing his carry-on overhead. Upon arrival in Phoenix, there was another wheelchair and a
pusher waiting to whisk him to baggage claim. On the return flight, Dave asked his pusher to stop at a coffee shop on the way to the gate, and the gentleman was happy to help Dave get his chai tea “fix” for the day.

            Overall, he said it was a very efficient and helpful experience, and he was happy to provide gratuities to each of his pushers. “It was well worth it,” he said, adding that he hopes he’ll never have to do it again!

            Federal regulations require airlines to provide travelers with disabilities extra services like these, including first-to-board privileges at the gate, but the airlines have embraced it with the goal of providing superior service to handicapped travelers. After all, the airlines want them on their planes, and these folks want to travel, so it’s a win all the way around. Earlier this year, the Department of Transportation announced plans for new regulations that would enhance existing rules, noting that millions of Americans use wheelchairs and most of them would love to travel, just like most everybody else does. The DOT estimates that the number of passengers with a disability traveling by air in 2021 was about 18.1 million, and that number has surely increased in the years since.

            If you’re concerned that mobility challenges might limit your ability to travel, we’ll help you get on board. Give us a call and get packing!